Welcome to our Books and Poetry page! Aside from designing graphics to express my love for Newfoundland dogs, I also love to write about them. Scroll down to take a look at my poetry and my two Newfie books you can purchase here. I hope you enjoy them!
This will be a book you'll want to re-read every Christmas! A delightful switch happens on Christmas Eve and a special trip to a forgotten place makes for some very happy doggies.

This poem, entitled "Newfie Love," was inspired by Samson, my first Newfoundland dog.
I was honored to be asked by Katie Dolan if she could include it in her comprehensive book, "The Complete Guide to Newfoundland Dogs." Katie is a writer, conservationist, and wildlife advocate with a passion for Newfies. She is an active breeder, Board Chair for the Nature Conservancy in Rhode Island and a trustee of the Wildlife Conservation Society. She also teaches Conservation Storytelling and is Advisory Board Chair at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, holding a Yale Environmental Studies MA, a Dartmouth MBA, English Masters from Bread Loaf, and an MFA from Sarah Lawrence. She teamed up with members of the Newfoundland Club of America to write the book.
You can purchase her book here: Complete Guide
To purchase my poem, with the illustration shown, please visit my Redbubble Shop here:
This poem speaks to the unconditional love a dog has for his human, and how we can become changed forever because of it.
To purchase a copy, you can find it on several items at my Redbubble shop:

The twisting and turning of the heart
Meanders down the watery roads
Ever searching for the love
That will be real, that will be true
And that was what I found with you
Every day you gave it
And every day I gave it back to you
We passed it back-and-forth
And that is how it grew
Not one harsh word was ever spoken
Not a single promise ever broken
Such a simple way it was to live
To fill my heart and then to give
The problem is I still have it here
In my aching hands
There is no place to put it anymore
So it spills through my fingers like sand
When things are weighing heavy
In life’s backpack that I carry
I long for your gentle strength
Smiling eyes and goofy sanctuary
All it took was a single look
From those knowing eyes of yours
And the sadness would evaporate
Before even reaching the floor
Remember always that I love you
And will, for the rest of my days
Remember that there’s a part of you
That will never go away
Every day I say goodbye
So you can be free
Every day I want you back
The way it was, just you and me

This is a children's ABC book, with a different Newfie design for each letter of the alphabet. The video gives you a quick flip-through; it's a cute little book kids (and adults) will enjoy looking through again and again.

Adorable little book! My grandkids love it! Quick shopping and excellent quality. Everything I order from this shop is always great quality and unique! – Peggi L.
The cutest sweet little ABC book I know. A must for newfielovers. – Lilianne Stommels​
So Adorable! Perfect size! Every Newfie owner should have at least one! – Patricia E.
This little alphabet book is made for all Newfoundland lovers. It’s colorful and illustrated with a Newfie on every page! Your young ones will be turning every page to see which Newf greats them next. Some of the vocabulary will challenge young minds to grow and learn. Enjoy! - Mo
Love this! Most amazing idea – Boss Jr.
Brillant idea! Gotta get it! – Heather
Just ordered! So excited you did this – Courtney L
Super Cute! – Eileen
​It's so special! The book I want to recommend to everyone is this one! – Looks precious! Going to get one now! – Asuka, welovenewfies

A magical tale of a magical dog – Lizzie, a lovable Newfoundland with amazing powers.This story of love, loyalty and the bond between people and dogs will touch your heart. A great children's book that all ages will love too. Here are some of the reviews I've received on this little story from readers at Amazon, where the Kindle version is offered:
Magical is the word for this book. My grandkids laughed and cried when we read this story. It is sweet and creative. Long enough to have story details for grownups but short enough to read to young kids. The illustrations are precious. Your family will love it. – Jeanie
This book is so adorable and sweet. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a book for their children. It will bring you to tears, and is full of wonderful messages that will bring joy to anyone's heart. It will make anyone want to get a Newfie as a pet :) If you enjoy fantasy and magic, buy this book! You'll read it again and again. Plus, some of the proceeds go to Newfoundland rescue organizations, which is so great! – Jenny
I Love Lizzie!
Lizzie is an endearingly lovable character, whose adventures are indeed magical! Your children will be delighted by Lizzie's unusual abilities. Her story is filled with adventure, excitement and tears that teaches children important lessons in morality and compassion. You'll love sharing Lizzie's magical world with your children and your own inner child as well! – Jackie
An imaginative and adventurous read!
Lizzie the Magical Dog is a book like no other, and will absolutely delight anyone and everyone that reads it. Follow Lizzie's adventures with Moxie on field trips and secret classroom visits, down dark paths and through tears and laughter. Meet her two human families and a very unusual dog family. This book is short enough to read to the very young, long enough to make for several nights of bedtime reading. No one can forget Lizzie after reading this lovely little book! – Rachel
This is a great book! It is an enchanting fairy tale for children and entertaining and enlightening for adults. There are many levels to the book and you are drawn into the story immediately. This book will make you laugh and cry. The story is original, creative and well written and the pictures are adorable! A must read! – Susan